Monday, November 7, 2011


This Post Is A Complete Deviation From What i post Reguarly But I Found it Amazing ,i Cant Resist it Posting here. 
Here is a list of Movie Remakes/Sequels,Prequels Which I Feel Excited To See in Upcoming Years(may be in 2 Years)
  • 28 Months Later
  • Zombieland 2
  • Man of Steel (Zack Snyder’s superman Reboot)
  • The Evil Dead
  • Kill Bill 3
  • Sin City 2
  • Cloverfield 2
  • Night of the living dead 3D
  • Resident Evil 5
  • The birds
  • Silent hill 2
  • Alien prequel
  • Bourne legacy(My most favorite and world’s finest trilogy webbed around the theme of espionage and spy world).
  • Blade runner 2( Classic Science Fiction Movie,A Reference Movie To All Sci-fi Genre ,Ridley Scott Confirmed Blade Runer 2 is'nt Going to be a Remake.XD)
  • The dark knight rises 
  • The hobbit
  • Wizard of oz prequel
  • The ring 3D 
  • Spider-man reboot(Amazing Spider Man Starring "Andrew Garfield")
  • Terminator 5 
  • xXx 3!
  • Mad max 4
  • Dark shadows
  • Iron Man3
  • Van Helsing 2
  • Constantine 2

Scientists Create the Definitive Flu Killer

University of Texas Southwestern's scientists have created a new flu vaccine that can protect us against any kind of flu, not just one type. Unlike the current type of vaccines, this can even protect us if the virus mutates.

That's the big problem of the current vaccines: every year, medical experts guess what's going to be the dominant flu strain and create a vaccine using a weakened version of that virus. When it gets injected, our body gets to know the weakened virus safely, producing cells that can neutralize that virus if a real attack occurs. The problem is that, if that virus mutates, this prevention becomes useless. That is why people may get the flu even when they are vaccinated.
The team led by Dr. Beatrice Fontoura took a completely different approach:
What we are doing is something different. We are actually stimulating our own response which is already there – boost it – to fight an infection.
Their solution boosts our natural immunological system, targeting a protein in our bodies called REDD-1. Fontoura's team discovered that, when REDD-1 levels are low in a cell, the flu virus can easily infect the cell. The vaccine increases the protein's levels, creating a shield that is impossible for the virus to penetrate.
According to the team, the new vaccine is so effective that it can even protect us against the Spanish Flu, the H1N1 influenza virus that killed between 50 and 100 million in 1918, mostly healthy young adults. Another deadly H1N1 virus was the Swine Flu, which may have infected 11% to 21% of the world's population in 2009.
Sadly, the vaccine is still not ready for mass distribution yet. They have to complete the usual FDA procedures to be introduced in the market, a process that may take years.
Via (Gizmodo)

MTV EMA 2011: Winners

The MTV European Music Awards Were Certainly the most Electrifying Event in this Year with Stunning Performances of World's Craziest Artists Justin Bieber, David Guetta, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jessie J, LMFAO, Snow Patrol and Queen. The Mtv EMA took place at Belfast's Odyssey Arena on Sunday night,Hosted by Selena Gomez.

"Born This Way" Star Lady Gaga was The Absolute Queen at Awards show,She Triumphed By Taking Away Four Honours Of Six nominations Including Best Song,Best Video,Best Female Categories and Also Brand New "Biggest Fans Award".

Justin Bieber managed to pick up 2 Trophies,Best Male award and also Best Pop act.While Katy Perry won Best Live.Bruno Mars Was Awarded With Best Push And Best New Categories.
In Rock Genre,Thirty Seconds To Mars Was Honoured with "Best Alternative Category" and Best World Stage.And Best Rock By "linkin Park". "Eminem" Was Honoured in Hip Hop. 
In A Surprise Way Korean Band "BIGBANG " beat "Britney Spears" in World wide Category.

Here is A Complete List of 2011 MTV EMA Winners :

Best Song - Lady GaGa, 'Born This Way'
Best Live - Katy Perry
Best Pop - Justin Bieber
Best New - Bruno Mars
Best Female - Lady GaGa
Best Male - Justin Bieber
Best Hip-Hop – Eminem
Best Rock - Linkin Park
Best Video - Lady GaGa - 'Born This Way'
Best Alternative - Thirty Seconds To Mars
Best World Stage - Thirty Seconds To Mars
Best Push - Bruno Mars
Biggest Fans - Lady Gaga
MTV UK & Ireland Act – Adele
Best Worldwide - BIGBANG.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Download Opera Mini 6.5 for iPhone And Ipad!

Opera Software Released its Latest "Opera Mini 6.5 Browser " for Iphone,ipad,Blackberry,Symbian 60 And java Enabled Phones too.Opera Released Its Browser For Android Phones Last Week,Which Was Pretty Impressive making it the Most Successful Release in The History of mini (mobile ) Browsers With Millions of Downloads Within just Three Days.

Now the same version: Opera Mini 6.5 is available for iOS, Symbian, J2ME and BlackBerry.
The Opera Mobile 11.5 browser is now also available on Symbian S60. 

New Opera Comes With Few Stunning Features , It Designed With two data counters,Which is located under the Help menu. One counter is to keep track of your total usage and one for temporary usage.This Data Tracker Helps To Keep an Eye of Data Usage And Reduces Data Cost.

Opera is Boasted With Another Pretty Cool Feature "Compression Technology" which Compress And Loads the Web Pages More Quickly(80% Compression Rate).which Compress And Loads the Web Pages More Quickly(80% Compression Rate).Opera For ios Also Supports auto-correct, spell check, Google Auto Complete, search capability from the address bar, intelligent domain suggestion and more.

Download Opera Mini 6.5 for iPhone from the Apple iTunes Store. Download the app for BlackBerry, Symbian S60 and Java Phones .

And Download Opera for Android By Visiting Android Market.

Google Launches GoMo Website Mobilizer Tool

Google is Preparing To Launch a Site,Gomo Dedicated To Help Website Owners To Reach Their Business To The Customers or Audiences Via Mobile Internet. 

Despite the Fact There Is an Exponential Growth in smart Phone Usage,Many Business People are'nt Aware of This thing And they Still Don't Have A Site that is Compatible With Small Screen Mobiles. 

Acknowledging This Problem,Google Made A Tool For Mobilising The Site to Optimise Desktop Site and Format it For "mobile Phones"

On Google’s GoMo website, businesses can use the GoMoMeter tool to see how their websites look and perform on mobile devices, and receive personalized recommendations for developing a more mobile-friendly experience for their sites. The GoMo online website has information about current mobile trends, best practices for launching mobile sites, and a select list of providers. 
Business Can Choose a Provider and Plan To Spend and set time Frame They Intend to build Their Mobile Site.

Further Google is Looking to make Fortune in its "Mobile Ads Business " Which is On $2.5 Billion.

Also Visit : Make Your Blogger Blog Mobile Friendly 

How to Make Blogger Blogs Mobile Phone Compatible

Did you know that There is An Whooping Increase in Number of People using the Mobile Internet than the Standard Internet ? The world has gone mobile with the Advent Of Smart Phones. More smart phones are being bought than ever, and the same goes for mobile Internet plans. This means that even though Your Blog has great content, You may Have Chance of Loosing The Traffic Driving From mobiles.
According to the Mobile Market Share(Including Tablets) is 5.5% which Is A lot more than Previous Years. And also it is Revealed that this Figures Could make Up to Large numbers by 2013(1 Billion Survery Interactive Data Corp).So There is A Every Possiblity of Losing Customers  if your website doesn’t display Content well On User's Mobile.

So,Here is A Tip for All Those Blogger out There to Make Their Blog "Mobile Friendly".

Step1 : Sigin into Your Blogger Account 
Click Design--> Edit Html
Find This Line (using Ctrl + F)

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Step2: Replace it With Following Code!

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>
<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0' name='viewport'/>
<meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/>

Step3: Save the Template And Click Done!

That's it ! Your Blog is Ready For Mobile :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Internet Explorer's share of web traffic drops below 50%

Microsoft's Browser "Internet Explorer" Can no longer claim more than half of the web’s traffic, as of October, ending more than a decade of the default Microsoft browser’s reign.

Internet Explorer Still the world's Most used Browser with A Share of "52.2%" .Thanks To all Windows Machines out There which Still Made IE Alive as its a Default Browser on World's most Used Operating System(91.9%) .
As of October, FireFox is the second most popular web browser, accounting for 21.20% of traffic, followed by Google Chrome and Safari, which account for 16.60% and 8.72% respectively.

FireFox is Crawling up the Charts with its Likely Features,easy interface and handful of Addons often Regarded as Best Choice Of Programmers,Professionals.

Chrome, which recently celebrated its third birthday, experienced the most expansion in October, increasing its share of the desktop market 1.42%. Google Chrome is Known For its Speed and User Friendly Interface.

Safari, the default browser in Apple’s iPhone and iPad, continues to increase its dominance over the mobile web, gaining 6.58% of the market. Safari’s share is increasing faster than the iPhone’s, probably due to how much mobile traffic is now driven by iPads.

I came across this comparison chart On today that reminded me of the early days of the browser wars between Microsoft and everyone else. In Early Days when Internet Boomed "IE" Rocked The Browsers Market, also Windows used to be Only operating  System Default on Most Of Computers Adding to This fail of Mozaic gave IE Boost Which made it the Top Browser .

Microsoft has a long and sordid history of being unwilling to comply with standards that the rest of the world readily adopts.

Internet Explorer (IE) is universally accepted as the most difficult browser to work with when developing web applications, regardless of which version is currently out. They were able to get away with this in the past because they owned the market. Today that is simply not true, and yet you would never know it.

Even in 2011 Internet Explorer continues to suck outright in terms of compliance with HTML/CSS standards. Internet Explorer’s market share has dropped precipitously since 2003-2004, when it commanded over 75% market share.With all of the Windows machines out there, Internet Explorer has but 52% of the market of the Market Share.

Internet Explorer is dying. It can’t happen soon enough.IE Failed To Compete with New Age Browsers. If Microsoft Failed To Realise the fast ,Soon IE May Become Extinct ,like Mozaic.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Forbes billionaires list 2011 – the top ten richest men

 Earlier Today We Posted the List of Forbes 2011 World's Most Powerful People ,Here is An Another List which Was Released By Forbes Yesterday,The Billionaires List .
 Forbes List of The Top Ten Richest Men is  based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets compiled and published by Forbes magazine on March 10, 2011.
This Year List Broke its Previous Records Having (1,210 billionaires) and total net worth ($4.5 trillion). China doubled its number of 10-figure fortunes, and Moscow now has more billionaires than any other city. Mexico's Telecom Tycoon  Carlos Slim Continues To be at Top Spot. 

The List Has 4 Americans out of Top Ten,Most Number Than Any Other Nation.

Here is A List of Forbes 2011 : Top Ten Richest Men!

1Carlos Slim Helu & family    Mexico   70        53.5    Telemex
2William Gates IIIUnited States    5453.0    Microsoft
3Warren BuffettUnited States     7947.0     Berkshire Hathway
4Bernard ArnaultFrance     6241.0     LVMH
5Larry EllisonUnited States     6539.5       Oracle
6Lakshmi MittalIndia    6531.1    Steel
7Amancio Ortega                           spain    6131.0     zara
8Eike BatistaBrazil    5530.0     Mining,Oil
9Mukesh AmbaniIndia    5427.0    Petro,oil &gas
10Christy Walton & family       united States   5626.5    Walmart

For Complete List

Forbes 10 “Most Powerful People” List

The Most Esteemed Magazine Forbes,Yesterday Released its Annual List of World's 70 Most Powerful People for the Year 2011.Forbes list Has one Slot For Every  for every 100 million people on Earth. In this Year for 7 Billion People On Earth There Are Only 70 People Who Made Up to Forbes List. According to Forbes, the ranking takes into account four factors -- the number of people a person has power over, the financial resources a person controls, the number of spheres of influence the person has, and how actively the person wields his or her power.

Barak Obama,Us President Took the First Spot By Bumping the Fellow Global Leaders, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Hu Jintao Who Was Last Year's No.1.

Obama Was Followed By Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao,Germany's Chancellor "Angela Morkel " .

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates at No. 5 was the first corporate executive on the list.The king of the world's largest oil producer Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, came in at No. 6 and Pope Benedict XVI was No. 7. There are fourteen newcomers on the list, which includes Big names like new Apple CEO Tim Cook (58th),  Chinese premier Wen Jiabao
 (14th).Surprisingly "Facebook " Founder Mark Zuckerberg Stormed into The Top ten List From Previous 40th Position. Among Women Only six were Honoured ,that accounts 8% of 70, List Includes Sonia Gandhi(11th) ,Dilma Rousseff(President of Brazil), Hilary Clinton,Angela Morkel.

Here is The List of Top 25 :

  1. President Barack Obama, United States
  2. President Vladimir Putin, Russia
  3. President Hu Jintao, China
  4. Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany
  5. Bill Gates, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  6. King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, Saudi Arabia
  7. Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic Church
  8. Chairman Ben Bernanke, U.S. Federal Reserve
  9. Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
  10. Prime Minister David Cameron, United Kingdom
  11. Sonia Gandhi,Indian National Congress Leader,India
  12. Mario Draghi,European Central Bank President
  13. Nicolas Sarkozy ,President of France
  14. Wen Jiabao,China
  15. Zhou Xiaochuan,China
  16. Hilary Clintion,Us Secretary of State
  17. Michael Bloomberg,Mayor New york City
  18. Timothy Geithner,Secretary of Treasury,US
  19. Manmohan Singh,Prime Minister India
  20. Wareen Baffet, CEO Berkshire Hathaway
  21. Silvio Berlusconi & family,Italy
  22. Dilma Rousseff,President Of Brazil
  23. Carlos Slim Helu & family, Telemax 
  24. Rupert Murdoch , News Corp.
  25.  Benjamin Netanyahu,Prime Minister of Israel
For Complete List of World's Most Powerful People Visit :
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Google Changes Search Algorithm

The Search Engine Giant "Google " Has Tweaked its Search Algorithm to make Results more in Real Time!
Google,An Another Synonym For Search in these Days, To Find information On Anything.Google Replaced the Traditional Searching with its Efficient Search Algorithms. 

On Thursday,This California Based Company revised its Search Algorithm to give Results more Timelier. Its one of The Biggest Changes Build on Caffeine web indexing system that Google announced last year. Caffeine allows users to find newer, more relevant information by making it so that recently published posts surface much faster in search. 
According To Google,This new Tweak Could Affect 35% of its Searches.

New Update Is more Likely made In view of Users Searching for "recent Happened ,Happening Things" Like Live Matches,Latest News. For Example If You Search About the Score of A Foot ball Game ,You Probably hit Back with the Results Related to Scoring Or Something.This Misguides The user and its not what the User is looking for. But What Really a User Wants is Something Recent,Real time News. 

An Increasing Trend Has Been Observed Among Users for Seconds old News, Chatters about The Happening News,Gracefully Facebook ,Twitter and Other Social Media are Way more Fast Than Search Engines To Know The Realtime updates. Whenever i Want To Know The Score of Cricket I Wont Go And Search Google I just Go to "Cricket Fan Page " Where i Could Get Stats of the Game.That's More Likely now Among People .

Google Has Recognised This and made An Update To its Algorithm Which Integrates The Latest Facebook, Twitter Posts into its search Results.Infact, Google Tried This Similar Tweak Long Way Back in 2009, when it introduced, a service that incorporated Twitter posts that Google paid Twitter to use.  But it Couldn't Last Long ,As The Both the Parties think of Renewing it.

With This Tweak of Google, Bing the main Competitor Had Alerted and also developed a way to index Web sites that change often, like blogs and news feeds, and looks into Twitter posts to identify popular topics, said Stefan Weitz, senior director at Bing.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

MTV EMA Nominees 2011

The Most Rejoice ful Event in The Music Industry,MTV EMA Awards 2011 Nominees were Announced Long Back.I've Been Blogging lately And I Almost Forgot about the "MTV EMA " which will be Taking Place this November 6th Held in Belfast in Northern Ireland. 
 MTV European Music Awards Were Established in 1994 by MTV Networks Europe to celebrate the most popular music videos in Europe.MTV Ema Are Considered an Alternative to The American MTV Video Music Awards which now Have Become Popular Ceremony In music Industry On Which all Eyes are Set.
With not Much Exaggerating I'll Go into the Nominees List ! 

As Of No Surprise "Mother Monster " Lady Gaga Lead The Pack With Six nominations Including "Best Video " For "Born This Way". Lady Gaga Also nominated For Best Live, Best Pop and Best Female, Best Song and Biggest Fans categories.

With Four nods Each "California Girl" Katy Perry and Bruno Mars Stand Next to Gaga. Katy And Gaga Set To do A Battle For Best Live And Best Female Artists Category.
Other Nominees Include "Uk's Top Selling Artist "Adele" with 3 nods along With Justin Bieber And Amazing "30 Seconds To Mars". 

Here is A Full List of This Years MTV EMA AWARDS:

Full list of 2011 MTV EMAs nominees are as follows:
Adele – “Rolling In The Deep”
Bruno Mars – “Grenade”
Jennifer Lopez ft Pitbull – “On The Floor”
Katy Perry – “Firework”

Lady Gaga – “Born This Way”
Foo Fighters

Katy Perry 
Lady Gaga

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Britney Spears
Justin Bieber 
Katy Perry 
Lady Gaga


Bruno Mars 
Far East Movement 
Jessie J


Wiz Khalifa

Jennifer Lopez
Katy Perry 
Lady Gaga

Bruno Mars 
David Guetta 

Justin Bieber

Kanye West
Lil Wayne 
JAY Z & Kanye West

Snoop Dogg
Foo Fighters

Linkin Park 
Kings of Leon

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Adele – “Rolling In The Deep”
Beastie Boys – “Make Some Noise”
Beyoncé – “Run The World (Girls)”
Justice – “Civilization”
Lady Gaga – “Born This Way”
Arcade Fire 
Arctic Monkeys

My Chemical Romance

The Strokes 
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Arcade Fire 
The Black Eyed Peas 
Diddy Dirty Money
Enrique Iglesias
Kings of Leon 
Linkin Park 
My Chemical Romance

Ozzy Osborne

Snoop Dogg

Thirty Seconds To Mars
Alexis Jordan 
Big Time Rush 
Bruno Mars

Far East Movement

Jessie J 
Katy B 
Neon Trees

Theophilus London

Wiz Khalifa
Justin Bieber
Lady Gaga
Selena Gomez
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Florence + The Machine
Jessie J
For Regualr Updates About MTV EMA Check Out

Fans can vote at until 11:59 PM CAT on Friday 4 November, and the Worldwide Act winner will be announced during the show in Belfast. ; ;

So Please Do Vote,If You Want to See your Favourite stars Walk Down With Heads Held up And Carrying A Ema ! :)
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