This Post Is A Complete Deviation From What i post Reguarly But I Found it Amazing ,i Cant Resist it Posting here.
Here is a list of Movie Remakes/Sequels,Prequels Which I Feel Excited To See in Upcoming Years(may be in 2 Years)
- 28 Months Later
- Zombieland 2
- Man of Steel (Zack Snyder’s superman Reboot)
- The Evil Dead
- Kill Bill 3
- Sin City 2
- Cloverfield 2
- Night of the living dead 3D
- Resident Evil 5
- The birds
- Silent hill 2
- Alien prequel
- Bourne legacy(My most favorite and world’s finest trilogy webbed around the theme of espionage and spy world).
- Blade runner 2( Classic Science Fiction Movie,A Reference Movie To All Sci-fi Genre ,Ridley Scott Confirmed Blade Runer 2 is'nt Going to be a Remake.XD)
- The dark knight rises
- The hobbit
- Wizard of oz prequel
- The ring 3D
- Spider-man reboot(Amazing Spider Man Starring "Andrew Garfield")
- Terminator 5
- xXx 3!
- Mad max 4
- Dark shadows
- Iron Man3
- Van Helsing 2
- Constantine 2