1)Lord of Rings Trilology
2)city of God
3)Childern of Men
4)The Dark Knight
5)The Departed/Star wars :Revenge of Sith.
7)Matrix sequels/Requiem for a dream
9)District 9
10)V for vedentta/Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
No doubt lord of rings trilogy deserves the top place in each and every ones list ever made. Made during one long production shot in newzeland by "Peter jackson " and released as christmas presents for three years 2001-2003 .every movie is a master piece to itself and excelles in all fields .This adoption of J.R.Tolken's middle of earth master piece grossed $1 billion world wide. The series has grabbed 17 oscars.this is astonishing film series ever been undertaken.
City of god a 2002 brazillian crime drama movie which is unseen by most of us.
If you haven't seen this film yet ,then better watch it now.
It depicts the growth of organized crime in the Cidade de Deus suburb of Rio de Janeiro, between the end of the '60s and the beginning of the '80s, with the closure of the film depicting the war between the drug dealer Li'l Zé and criminal Knockout Ned.
Children Of Men is a science fiction film set in 2027 a world in which women stopped getting pregnant since 2029.It follows the plight of Clive Owen and the only women who got pregnant in 18 years and traces their journey to a 'Human Project' which offers the only safe sanctuary from all forces that threaten to exploit the mother and child for political reasons.
The Departed a Martin Scorsese film,the greatest and my favourite director alive this one had a complex plot and got some extraordinary cast Oscar winner JackNicholson,Leonardo De caprio,Matt Damon,Mark Whalberg.This cop-criminal thriller is hell of cast and Director Martin at HELM.
Though i'm not a star wars guy.(i was a big fan of star trek).I was agreed to put this much hyped movie on my top because it was a damn good movie. It may be not be technically as that of star trek(obviously star trek has great scope of technology as there are from future). It had got some extra ordinary visuals especially tremendous battles, the lightsaber made me mad for the first time .revenge of sith excells all parts of series .hayden christine did awesome job in this movie compared to his boy next door looks in previous movies.
Matrix is a classic science fiction movie that was ground breaking trend setter for its complex story line and specific effects . If the sequels of high fi movie had done well, it would have seen higher in list . But still it was the most thrilling movies everyone have to see in life.
After the matrix wachowski brothers decided to go with best.hugo weaving was at his best. Though he was behind the mask ,he made a hell of job.it was fun to watch him.
Requiem for a dream is an exquisitely beautiful film featuring great music.Requiem For A Dream is the 'drug' film that is in one word-depressing and in other great.It is must watch movie of this decade,i dont how many times i saw it.
I would like to mention in special list Which includes adriean body's oscar winning portrayal of a jewish musician in "THE PIANOIST" ,coen brothers "NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MAN"
Clint eastwood's Mystic river starring oscar winner sean pean.
spilberg's Minority Report,Artificial Intelligence,Munich,Catch Me If You Can.
for the first half of this decade he was the best director and christopher Nolan dominated the second half with High fi movies The DArk knight,Batman Begins and The Prestige.
there are so many numbers are short i could not place then .they are film excellence in recent times.
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